Monday, May 11, 2015

Intersection in culture and law

Honestly, there isn't much intersection between computational complexity and culture or law as of now, but there will be much more in the future. With the speeds at which technology is improving, increasing the computer's ability make complex decisions, smart artificial intelligence isn't so far-fetched after all. CGP Grey, a producer on YouTube, made an excellent video explaining the things to come.

Computers are slowly taking over jobs that humans used to do years ago. Self driving cars aren't the future, they're here now. It won't be long before taxis, trucks, or buses will soon be replaced by robots. The first autonomous trucks are already been driven around on highways in United States. It would not be a surprise if these changes are met with resistance. Perhaps laws will be passed restricting the use of automation in favor of actual people. As computers take over the job market, millions of people will be out of jobs with no place to work at. The lives of those in the future will certainly be different from world we live in now.

If the collapse of the economic system isn't bad enough, Bill Gates and Elon Musk along with hundreds of other computer scientists signed an open letter warning about the rise of super intelligent robots which pose a threat to the existence of humanity sometime in the future. However, all of this is just a speculation of the things to come and not everything will be as bleak as this. The things we find hard to solve now will be almost trivial to the technology we will have in the future. The rise of automation is inevitable and it's our job to make the best use of these things to come. If we are able to overcome these hurdles, the future will certainly be bright for us.


Coming Soon To A Highway Near You: A Semi Truck With A Brain. (2015, May 10). Retrieved May 11, 2015, from

Readhead, H. (2015, January 29). Bill Gates joins Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk in warning of A.I. dangers. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Solving heads-up limit hold’em poker

A game of Texas hold 'em. Image from Wikipedia.
From one of my previous posts, I talked about the poker playing computer Claudico as it played against human opponents for nearly two weeks. The results came in with the four human players winning $732,713 over the computer out of $170 million that was bet during play. However, the number is very insignificant compared to the $170 million played so the scientists behind Claudico is considering that this might be a tie. Humans are still better at imperfect information games than computers but not by much. It may only take a little longer for computers to master it.

On January 9th, 2015, "Heads-up limit hold’em poker is solved" was published in the Science journal as the first article to prove that a "nontrivial imperfect-information game played competitively by humans" can be beaten by a computer (Bowling, Burch, Johanson, & Tammelin, 2015). The difference between Claudico and research done here is the type of poker been played. Claudico is programmed to deal with heads-up no limit hold’em poker where bets and raises have no limit. This means Claudico has to deal with 10161 information sets, or possible outcomes. Heads-up limit hold’em poker limits how much can be bet and reduces the amount of possible outcomes down to 3.19 × 1014. Even though this amount seems trivial compared to Claudico, it's a first step into solving the world of imperfect games.

The paper uses a method called Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR). It approximates the Nash Equilibrium, the best strategy of winning the game, by using two regret-minimizing algorithms. The program plays itself and calculates the detrimental effects of not picking the best option. It tries to minimize the negative effects, regrets, in order to find the best deterministic strategy. The problem was storing the regret values of all the possible outcomes. To do so requires 262 TB of storage. To fix this problem, Bowling et al. truncated the decimals into integers and implemented compression methods to bring down the required storage down to a workable 17 TB.


Bowling, M., Burch, N., Johanson, M., & Tammelin, O. (2015). Heads-up limit hold'em poker is solved. Science, 347(6218), 145-149. doi:
Maynard, J. (2015, May 10). CMU AI Claudico Is Good At Poker But Not Good Enough For World's Best Human Players. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from

Walters, K., & Watts, E. (2015, April 24). Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from

Stephen Cook, one of the forefathers of computational complexity theory

Professor Stephen Cook is a major contributor in the field of computational complexity. Currently, he's working as a professor at the University of Toronto, in both Department of Computer Science and Mathematics. Cook started with a Bachelor's degree at University of Michigan in 1961 and received his Masters and PhD from Harvard just fives years later. He has being working at the University of Toronto since 1970.

Over the course of 50 years he published numerous papers regarding computational complexity. Most notably, "The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures" in 1971 proving the existence of the NP-Complete class and coming up with the method of Polynomial-time reduction. Cook proved the existence of NP-Completeness by showing the Boolean satisfiability problem is NP-Complete. The work he has done on Polynomial-time reduction is also notable. Polynomial-time reduction method compares two similar problems, if a polynomial solution can be found from one of them; a solution exists for the other. Other work he has done include contributions to programming languages and logic, parallel computation, and artificial intelligence.

In 1982, Cook was awarded the ACM Turing Award for his contributions to the computational community. The Turing Award is the most prestigious award given to recognize the highest contributions in the field of computer science. By laying the foundations of NP-Complete, Cook had opened the gates to the most actively researched computer science topic to date, the P vs NP problem. The question whether or not P = NP still remains unsolved and the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) has offered up to $1 million for anyone who can come up with a solution. More information is available on P vs NP in my first blog.


Cook, S. (n.d.). Stephen A. Cook. Retrieved May 10, 2015, from

Cook, S. (1983). An overview of computational complexity. Communications of the ACM, 400-408.

Dblp: Computer science bibliography. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2015, from

P vs NP Problem. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2015, from

Sunday, April 26, 2015

For the first time, artificial intelligence will play poker against top human players

To the A.I., a simple game of poker is a tree of all possible events. Image from Heads-up Limit Hold’em Poker is Solved by Michael Bowling, Neil Burch, Michael Johanson, and Oskari Tammelin.
Claudico, an artificial intelligence program developed by Professor Tuomas Sandholm at Carnegie Mellon, will be playing heads-up no-limit Texas hold’em against four top human players. 80,000 hands will be played over the course of fourteen days, from April 24th to May 8th, and the matches will be streamed every day on starting at 11:30am in the morning. The difference between poker and games like chess or checkers is the amount of information available to the players. Poker is a game of imperfect information, where the knowledge of the opponents' hand is unknown and the cards dealt are based on chance. As opposed to chess, a game of perfect information, both players know every single action the opponent has taken against them. Poker has become the basis for imperfect information games because there are already broad skill levels for computers to play against, with the added layer of complexity for interpreting other players' actions while simultaneously hiding your own.

A solution concept for a game like poker is called the Nash equilibrium. The definition is simple, for non-cooperative games, the strategy each player has chosen to play the game is the best strategy they can employ assuming they know the strategies of others. Players will receive no benefit from changing their strategies as the strategy they already chosen is the best strategy for them. Finding the Nash equilibrium, the best possible way of playing the game, using linear programming takes an exponential amount of time, O(2nk). This is a simpler time complexity than brute forcing a traveling salesman problem (TSP) but still takes an incredible amount of time because it's not polynomial. However, finding the Nash equilibrium does not fall under NP-complete. Nash's theorem concludes that a solution is guaranteed to exist, while it's unclear whether NP-complete problems can have a polynomial solution at all. So instead of being grouped under NP-complete, Nash equilibrium falls under another subclass of NP call PPAD, where solving the problem may be difficult but the solution is guaranteed to exist. This applies for finding the Nash equilibrium on non-cooperative games with k-players, provided k is a finite integer greater or equal to two.

An A.I. plays the game of love. Image courtesy of
The first algorithm to solve imperfect-information games in polynomial time was developed in 2003 and applied to poker in 2005. As of January 2015, heads-up limit Texas hold 'em poker has been declared weakly solved by Bowling et al. (2015). The algorithm can now win or draw against all possible moves the opponent makes from the very beginning. It does so by computing a very good approximation of the Nash equilibrium strategy. With the tournament just beginning, will Claudico follow the footsteps of Deep Blue and Watson and mark the next milestone in artificial intelligence? 

Edit: I mistook exponential as factorial and it has been corrected.


The official website for Brains vs Artificial Intelligence 

Bowling, M., Burch, N., Johanson, M., & Tammelin, O. (2015). Heads-up limit hold'em poker is solved. Science, 347(6218), 145-149. doi:

Daskalakis, C., Goldberg, P. W., & Papadimitriou, C. H. (2009). The complexity of computing a nash equilibrium. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 52(2), 89. Retrieved from 

Fortnow, L. (2005, December 15). Computational Complexity. Retrieved April 26, 2015, from 

Osborne, M., & Rubinstein, A. (1994). A course in game theory. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Rubin, J., & Watson, I. (2011). Computer poker: A review. Artificial Intelligence, 175(5-6), 958-987. doi:

Sandholm, T. (2010). The state of solving large incomplete-information games, and application to poker. AI Magazine, 31(4), 13-32. Retrieved from 

von Stengel, B. (2010). Computation of nash equilibria in finite games: Introduction to the symposium. Economic Theory, 42(1), 1-7. doi:

Monday, April 20, 2015

An introduction to the traveling salesman problem

There's always a relevant XKCD comic. From
What's the most efficient way of going through a set of cities once and coming back to where you started? As simple as it sounds, iterating through every possible combination would be next to impossible if the list of cities is big enough. If there's 100 cities and you pick one as the starting point, there's still 99 more cities to choose from. The number of combinations would be 100(100-1)(100-2)... until there's only one choice left. The amount of possible solutions increases at a staggering rate as the amount of cities increase. Researchers have worked on trying to find a way to solve it as fast as possible. To understand the traveling salesman problem (TSP) in terms of computer science, we must first understand the concepts of time complexity.

Given an input n, the time complexity is determined by how much of the given input, n, we have to go through. For example, if I were to look through 100 boxes one by one, the worst case scenario would be finding what I was looking for after going through all 100 boxes. The time complexity of the example would be written as O(n) in the Big O notation because given the input, n = 100, and my search method, I need to look through all of them. Although I can find whatever it is in the first box I look into, time complexity is usually determined by the worst case scenario.

These time complexities are grouped into classes and the two important classes regarding TSP are classes P and NP. Problems in class P are solvable in polynomial time with a deterministic algorithm where one input can only have one output. Polynomial time meaning time complexities such as n, nlog(n), n10, etc. Problems in class NP, non-deterministic polynomial time, cannot be solved in polynomial time with a deterministic algorithm, but solutions can be checked in polynomial time. TSP falls under the class NP because while solving it is difficult we can verify the solution by checking if the solution goes through every city just once which takes a polynomial amount of time. The goal now is to find the algorithm that can solve TSP within polynomial time.

Why is this important? TSP is just one small droplet in the overarching problem of P versus NP. If a solution can be found for the decision version of TSP, this would prove P = NP meaning all NP-complete problems can be solved within a minimal amount of time. NP-complete problems are problems with no known shortcuts. This breakthrough will change the works of medical sciences, mathematics, engineering, transportation, and computer science. A lot of fundamental problems are NP-complete such as searching through DNA sequences, optimal protein folding, and shortening mathematical proofs. But even after decades of research, P = NP still hasn't been proven and it's becoming more of a fantasy. For more information on P and NP problems or an overview on P versus NP in general, Lance Fortnow wrote a great article called "The status of the P versus NP problem" in the Communications of the ACM magazine. He also has a much better blog on dealing with computational complexity at


Lecture by Erik Demaine on Computational Complexity

Fortnow, L. (2009). The status of the P versus NP problem. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 52(9), 78. doi:

Hamburger, H. & Richards, D. (2002). Logic and language models for computer science. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.